Sanibonani! It has been a super long time since our last post! Life has been lifing and there's work to be done, kids to feed, everything to clean...which doesn't mean we stopped working....just slowed a bit.
Publishing another children's book, Sindi: A Zulu Cinderella, has been amazing. The reception in the US and South Africa is so reassuring that we are writing and creating work that's educational, relatable, and valuable!

Our latest venture, the IsiZulu Verb Wheel has just launched and we're excited to see it benefiting those studying and teaching isiZulu. If you're an isiZulu teacher, send us a message using your school email and we'll send you a discount for an Irregular verb wheel!

I can't say when another update is coming, but just know our work may slow over here, but it never stops! Until next time!